We would like to introduce you to EudaimWell - Strong.ER, Mind, Body & Soul.

EudaimWell presents thoughtfully crafted wellness challenges for parents seeking to enhance their love, life, and health. This guide, meticulously designed, leads parents through a step-by-step journey, guiding them towards becoming the healthiest version of themselves. The program combines effective exercise routines and mindset techniques to elevate their quality of life and reconnect them with the essence of love.


EudaimWell is committed to assisting parents in cultivating healthy habits through various wellness phases. The Strong.ER team strives to instigate positive change within busy households, empowering parents to build strength and a genuine desire for healthy lifestyle choices. We firmly believe that these choices create a ripple effect, influencing every aspect of a parent's life. By expanding and healing the mind, body, and soul, individuals become better equipped to touch the hearts of their loved ones, inspiring them through personal example.


EudaimWell envisions a future where parents play a pivotal role in establishing new generational habits rooted in the balance of health, life, and love.


Hannah & Carlin are both independent parents of three beautiful and highly spirited children. Meeting at the school gate in 2021, Hannah and Carlin soon discovered that they were on a similar soul mission to help other parents regain their life and vitality. After falling head over heals in love for one another they decided to come together as a "blended family". Today they parent six children that keep them on their toes.

Whether you have one child or twenty children, it is basically the same parental story at the end of the day. We parents tend to give up our whole world for our children. But to stay healthy & happy, it's super important that we look after the number one human in our life and that is...YOU!


Metabolic Fitness Trainer

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"Hannah will be by your side as your qualified metabolic fitness (M.F.) coach through your wellness journey designing specialised & transformative workouts.

Strong.ER has specifically designed workouts that can be completed in the comfort of your own home. Named "One Mat", meaning all you need is a mat, yourself and nothing else!

These workouts focus on everyday functional movements to help make you stronger in the everyday activates."

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Mindset Coach

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"Carlin will be here to provide continuous motivation, inspiration & to support your mindset through out the next 21 days as your mindset coach.

Strong.ER is a unique personalised fitness & wellness service that differentiates itself from every other workout program by focusing on mindset first. If the mind is willing, the body will follow..."

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